Hertzock Entertainment is a Motion Picture,Television Production,Film Production and Broadcast Agency. With two film studios in Louisiana and another international branch in Durban South Africa. Hertzock Entertainment as all the tools for local ,national and international production projects or advertising campaigns.Our upper management has a total of 35 years of branding and marketing experience. On top of that we have over 21 years of professional video production and film experience that make us very unique in the effectiveness of the results that our clients receive. In other words, our marking and branding executives are also professional directors/producers. Our professional directors/producers are also marketing and branding executives. If we look at the both sides as if they were both chemicals, the mixture that we have here gives you a nuclear effect ! Both sides are firing equally and there is no lost of the objective in communication. You have arrived!
Call us today about your next project today 800-979-1173.
Let Hertzock Entertainment cover your next event with professional video production along with top level film crews, Directors and Producers!